
Theraflu | How Sick Is Vegas?
CES Campaign

Online Video, Social, Mobile, OOH, Radio, Interactive

Every year 170.000 people travel from across the country, and the world, to attend CES in the middle of the flu season.
This year Theraflu wanted to be top of mind and promote the Cold and Flu Tracker App, as well as their classic Cold and Flu Medicine.

Vegas is America’s sickest party destination. With flashy parties, five-star hotels, luxury cars and casinos with games and dice, and people touching the dice, and blowing on the dice. In the middle of winter, all that fun can get you sick with ease. Like, sick, sick. How sick!

We created static OOH and interactive videos that pulled in real-time, location based health data from the weather channel, and had a photo kiosk that took heat-sensitive Thermoselfies of users. The cumulation of these activations showed people in real time just how sick Vegas really is.

*Vegas SickScore was populated in the video in real time

ECD: Chris Morera
ECD: Mark Scholler
AD: Teo Bazgu
CW: Kassandra Pollard
Junior AD: Pradhan Thandra
Junior CW: Joseph Thomas


Out Of Home

Our art direction was inspired from old Vegas, with textured neon signs hanging on scaffolding.
We combined that with our germ infused headlines and cues.

We had a series of OOH paired in groups. Each headline was paired wit the Cold and Flu Tracker App,
something that Theraflu wanted to drive traffic to.

Video Content

For the video content, we had a very specific media buy on the strip: The Harmon Billboard, a long screen in a location equivalent to Time Square,
in Vegas.

The first video was challenging common germ-filled objects that people never see as such, like the dice in a casino.

The second video focused on a popular CES germ-filled item, a conference VR headset.

The videos displayed at the end the Vegas “Sick Score”, a score provided by the Cold and Flu Tracker in real time
(the space is blank in the videos as it would be populated directly on the billboard).

Video Animation

The video animation follows the neon typography as the camera moves across the scaffolding on the Vegas sky.


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