Tide | Greener Cogs

Online Video, Social

Tide created their first bio-based, sustainable detergent, and we created the most sustainable ad for Tide: everything in the making of the spot was created with that in mind. We used old Tide bottles, recycled tin cans, old cardboard boxes and other sustainable, recycled materials. We even had a cow made of lint paper. Yes, the lint you find in the dryer, that was once on your clothes, that where once washed in Tide.

Just like the nature’s ecosystem, the diorama was built with a Rube Goldberg system in mind, where one Tide sustainability practice led to another, highlighting it’s key benefits.

We intentionally decided to use very little CG, all the diorama actions being live, with the intention to give the film an earthy, sustainable vibe.

To launch our video we used a Youtube influencer, Tiffany Alvord, that has a voice of an angel.
She made her own version of the video, that drives her fans to the Tide ad.


ECD: Paul Bickler
AD: Teo Wilson
CW: Kassandra Pollard


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